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Expanded content on Patreon


One of my goals as a content creator is to help gamification professionals keep up to date with the latest research and help them find the takeaways to apply the research on their daily practice. Therefore, many of my blog posts are summaries of original academic research from myself or other authors. However, I feel that the format of a blog post is often not enough to give enough information to actually use the research in practice. Although short blog posts are great to inform about new research topics, I feel that professionals would need a bit more information to understand the research enough to apply it.

Now, I am beginning to provide additional content for gamification professionals as extended, practical research summaries or original articles with insights to help them quickly understand the gamification research and put it into practice. I really believe that this kind of content will be highly valuable to gamification professionals of any kind, such as consultants, designers, or researchers.

However, creating this high-quality and effective content requires additional time. Therefore, I am starting something new: I will be providing this expanded content on Patreon for a small fee. If this sounds interesting to you, please check it out! For only $3 per month, you can have complete access to all the patron-only content. And for only $5 per month, you can also join a new Discord community to discuss the content of request specific topics. I hope to see you there shortly!

I will continue providing high-quality content here in the blog as well. However, patrons will have access to expanded versions or additional articles, in comparison to the free blog content.

UPDATE on April 24, 2020: After advertising this idea for a few months, I did not find enough people interested in the Patreon content. So, new Patreon subscriptions are not available anymore. But I will continue publishing high-quality free content here in the blog.

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